Collection: Aptamil

As a research company, Aptamil has a unique, international network of scientists in the field of infant and young child nutrition. More than 300 scientists and numerous collaborations with leading universities and university clinics ensure that their in-house breast milk research has a top position in internationally recognized basic research. Many of the research projects are supported by German and European research funds due to the high scientific level. All employees have a common vision: to provide the best possible support for nutritional needs during the particularly important first 1,000 days from pregnancy to the first years of life.

No compromises on quality - this philosophy holds true for all products. Aptamil has the most modern production facilities at their disposal for the development and manufacture of high quality products. The company has 60 employees working exclusively in quality control. Before Aptamil goes on sale, the products go through over 300 tests and optimization steps. ...

That is why quality control begins with the raw material. The farmers and dairy farmers who supply are given precise instructions on the correct cultivation methods in order to exclude conceivable pollution. The work in the farms is continuously checked by experts. The raw materials are only used for our products if the suppliers adhere exactly to the specifications.

Aptamil was the first manufacturer to add LCP * and scGOS / lcFOS ** to their baby formulas. Studies show the positive effects with respect to following aspects:

Immune system: significantly fewer allergic symptoms, fewer infections and fewer antibiotic prescriptions in the first 24 months of life. 8

Brain development: significantly faster information processing in 6-year-olds thanks to LCP-containing baby food. 10

Metabolism: significantly reduced diastolic blood pressure in 6-year-olds when fed with LCP-containing baby food. 11

* Short chain galacto / long chain fructooligosaccharides. ** LCP = long-chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids

20 products