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Artelac Eye Drops

Artelac Eye Drops

Regular price €19,99 EUR
Regular price €19,99 EUR Sale price €19,99 EUR
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  • Description
  • Application
  • Ingredients
  • The classic product for dry eyes, Artelac with Hypromellose for milder symptoms and for moistening the eye during the day.

    - For mild dry eye symptoms
    - For contact lens wearers with hard lenses

    Active ingredient:
    1 ml solution contains 3.20 mg hypromellose
    Preservative: cetrimide

    Due to hormonal changes and with increasing age, women in particular suffer from a decrease in tear production, the symptoms of which are alleviated by artificial humidification of the eye.

    Heating air, air conditioning, but also smoking and fine dust have effects on the tear film. This can be stress, such as dry eye symptoms.

  • Tilt your head back. With the index finger of one hand, pull the lower lid of the eye downwards. With the other hand, hold the dropper bottle vertically over the eye (without touching the eye) and drip 1 drop into the conjunctival sac that is pulled down. Slowly close your eye and move it back and forth so that the liquid can distribute itself well. Repeat the process for the second eye if necessary.
    Hard contact lenses can be moistened directly with Artelac. Remove soft contact lenses before dropping and insert them again after 15 minutes.

  • Active ingredient:
    1 ml solution contains 3.20 mg hypromellose
    Preservative: cetrimide

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