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Amitamin Fertilsan M Capsules 90 cap

Amitamin Fertilsan M Capsules 90 cap

Regular price €40,46
Regular price €44,95 Sale price €40,46
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  • Description
  • Application
  • Ingredients
  • Thanks to its special, high-dose micronutrients, Amitamin Fertilsan M can help to improve the essential characteristics of the sperm analysis (number of sperm, sperm density, mobility and normal shape (morphology) of the sperm) to a standard sperm analysis.

    Nowadays, not every couple has a desire to have children. According to various studies, it can be assumed that around every fifth to seventh couple will not get pregnant permanently despite wanting to have children. Around 40% of the reasons for this lie in men alone and an estimated 20% in restricted fertility in both partners.

    Fertilsan M by Amitamin is a supplementary balanced diet for the dietary treatment of men with malnutrition-related fertility disorders (dietary food for special medical purposes). Thanks to the balanced and high-dose combination of special micronutrients, fertilsan M can help to improve the quality of male sperm and thus the fertility of men with impaired fertility due to malnutrition.

    Impaired fertility in men is:
    Oligozoospermia = too few sperm
    Asthenozoospermia = too immobile sperm, and
    Teratozoospermia = reduced proportion of morphologically normal spermatozoa.

    Components of fertilsan M
    fertilsan M contains high-dose vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and antioxidant vitaminoids, which are essential for the development of sperm.

    L-arginine is a semi-essential amino acid, which among other things makes an important contribution to the immune system and to the control of the vascular tone. The body produces spermine and spermidine from arginine. These substances are found in high concentrations in the sperm fluid. Spermidine has a stabilizing effect on the DNA of the sperm. Spermidine has important functions in cell division and cell growth and has antioxidant properties.

    L-carnitine is a substance similar to amino acids, sometimes called a vitaminoid. L-carnitine is essential for the energy balance in the cells, because only with L-carnitine can fatty acids be transported into the cell interior. Sperm need a lot of energy to move forward. L-carnitine plays an important role in the development of healthy and motile sperm.

    Coenzyme Q10
    Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) is a central component of the energy-generating processes in the body and is therefore particularly necessary for the high energy requirements when spermatozoa move forward.

    N-acetyl-L-cysteine ​​is the predecessor of glutathione. Glutathione is made up of the three amino acids L-cysteine, L-glycine and glutamic acid. Glutathione is known as one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. With the help of glutathione, the body can process its own vitamin C and vitamin E again.

    Vitamin E.
    Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin with pronounced antioxidant properties. It works in the cell membrane and protects the inside of the cell from oxidative stress.

    The trace element zinc is known for its contribution to immunological processes and part of more than 200 enzymatic processes. If the body does not have enough zinc available, sperm production can be restricted. Zinc can thus make a contribution to an improved sperm analysis.

    Selenium is also a trace element and has pronounced antioxidant properties. Selenium makes a contribution to healthy sperm formation.

    Beta carotene
    Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A and can trap free radicals directly. It can thus help to reduce oxidative stress in metabolic processes and is converted into vitamin A by the body if necessary.

    Folic acid
    Folic acid is part of the development of DNA, i.e. the genetic make-up. A healthy folic acid level can help promote the development of undamaged genetic material.

    vitamin C
    Vitamin C is an important water-soluble antioxidant and is found in high concentrations in semen.

    Vitamin D
    Vitamin D is known as the "sun vitamin". Because, unlike the other vitamins, the body can produce vitamin D itself. This happens with the help of sunlight in the skin. In reality, however, people are often not exposed to the sun for long enough with bare skin. Men with impaired fertility are particularly often deficient in vitamin D. fertilsan M therefore contains a particularly large amount of important vitamin D.

  • One pack contains 90 individually wrapped capsules and is sufficient for one month. Please take three capsules fertilsan M once a day, preferably before meals, with plenty of water. If you forget to take a dose, just continue taking it.

    Since the sperm formation process takes three months, we recommend taking fertilsan M continuously for at least three months.

    The stated recommended daily amount must not be exceeded.

    Store cool (6-25 ° C) and protected from light. Keep out of reach of children.

    Net filling quantity:
    90 capsules = 82 g

  • Nutritional information

    Nutritional values (Daily) serving - 3 capsules 100 g
    Calorific value / energy 1 kcal 35 kcal
    Calorific value / energy 4 kJ 148 kJ
    fat <0.5 g <0.5 g
    hereof: saturated fatty acids <0.1 g <0.1 g
    carbohydrates <0.5 g 1.7 g
    of which sugars <0.5 g <0.5 g
    Fiber <0.5 g 12 g
    protein <0.5 g <0.5 g
    salt <0.01 g <0.01 g
    Vitamins (Daily) serving - 3 capsules 100 g
    Vitamin D 10 µg 356 µg
    Vitamin E. 120 mg 4.3 g
    vitamin C 200 mg 7.1 g
    Folic acid 800 µg 28.5 mg
    Minerals / trace elements (Daily) serving - 3 capsules 100 g
    zinc 40 mg 1.4 g
    selenium 60 µg 2.1 mg
    sodium <1 mg 12 mg
    Others (Daily) serving - 3 capsules 100 g
    L-carnitine 500 mg 17.8 g
    Coenzyme Q10 15 mg 534 mg
    L-arginine 500 mg 17.8 g
    Beta carotene 3 mg 107 mg
    N-acetyl-L-cysteine 80 mg 2.9 g



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